Colorado to Utah in Photos

Interstate 70, crossing the state of Colorado, is a major thoroughfare for points from east to west. We had plans to drive from Denver to Salt Lake City but the wildfires had other plans and closed this major interstate. So we took an alternate route up into Wyoming and then west on Interstate 80 to Salt Lake. It was a route showing us large ranches, empty roads, dust storms, wildlife, and the scenic beauty of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah.

Here are some photos from our drive - all taken from the car - which took us about 8 hours in total. (We stopped for the night about halfway, in Green River, Wyoming, as we didn't get started  until late in the day. Which, by the way, was one of the windiest places I've ever visited)

A pronghorn, I believe
Dust Storm!

Right behind the Utah Welcome Center
Getting close to Salt Lake City

It's always interesting to me, someone who's lived east of the Mississippi River all my life, to see isolated areas, mountain views, humongous ranching operations, dust storms and other western facts of life that don't happen in my world! Hope you enjoyed our road trip views!

How about you? Do you enjoy taking road trips and seeing new things?

Linking up with: My Corner of the World at Photographing New Zealand!


  1. I just love road trips, and this was an interesting one!

    1. Me, too! And it was interesting! Thanks for stopping by The Unpaved Road!

  2. That is some amazing scenery!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

    1. Thanks, Betty! I appreciate the visit and the link-up!


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