The Beauty of Western Colorado

 When the state of Colorado comes to mind, the first thing one thinks is mountains. Those rugged, Rocky Mountains. Skiing. Mountain climbing. Maybe even ranches and cowboys. Not desert. But the far western part of Colorado is actually high desert. 

The Colorado Plateau -an area of western Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, southern and eastern Utah and northern Arizona - is an area of semi-arid climate consisting of desert basins, canyons and mesas. And it is a land of considerable beauty. We drove from Denver to Green River, Utah last summer and the scenery was so captivating - we went through the rugged Glenwood Canyon, passed the Book Cliffs in a storm and all the while hugging the Colorado River. A fantastically scenic drive that I'd highly recommend if you've not explored this part of the country.

Here are a few photo highlights from my car window. I hope you enjoy them!

How about you? Have you traveled this part of the country?

Linking up with: My Corner of the World at Photographing New Zealand!


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